Oberoi Law Chambers

Civil Litigation

At Oberoi Law Chambers, we  provide comprehensive legal services to our clients under litigation of civil laws including money recovery, recovery disputes, suits related to children, wards, guardianships, estate, property, custody, execution, claims, partitions and various petitions etc, under any law viz, law related to property, children, guardianship, recovery, marriage, succession, will, estate, probate, administration, etc. and before any courts, Tribunals, Commissions, Boards and other Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Authorities throughout India.

These services include advising, drafting pleading and appearing in the courts, etc.

It involves following services namely:

  • Suit for recovery of money, estate, property (Movable or immovable), debts, dues etc.
  • Suit for specific performances of contacts or agreements;
  • Suit for partition of movable or immovable properties;
  • Suit for permanent/mandatory/temporary injunctions;
  • Suit for declaration;
  • Petitions under child and wards act, guardianship act..ect
  • Petition for custody of children, wards, appointments of gradians etc.
  • Petition for obtaining probate/letter of administration / succession certificate;
  • Suits under Hindu succession and Indian Succession Act;
  • Petition related to election disputes;
  • Accident Claims before MACT
  • Recovery of Debts Due to financial institutions before DRTs.
  • Petitions before CAT under Service Laws,
  • Petitions before SEBI/FERA/MRTP board/tribunals etc;
  • Writs petitions before High Courts and Supreme Courts;
  • Revision, Review, Appeal, Special leave to Appeal etc.
  • Any other petitions permissible by code of civil procedure, 1908.

We also provide the services related to conveyencing of Following Documents, Notices, Deeds and Agreements:

  • Notices
  • WILL, Gift, Sale Deed etc
  • Tenders
  • Agreements
  • Deeds (Gift Deed, Sale Deed, Trust Deed.. etc.)
  • MOU
  • Settlement or compromise Deed/Agreements.
  • Resolutions;

The firm has an excellent track record in representing clients in civil action lawsuits owing to the skill and expertise of the team.

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